2013년 7월 10일 수요일

Note things in dealing with Nagios+Ndo2DB and properties in host configuration

I'd like to point out two things related nagios.
As we know, we are able to save status data of host and service into relational database using ndo2db module and I described how to setup at a post.

When people have nagios + nod2db monitoring system in their environments, they may find that data is duplicated in the table "nagios_hosts" and what makes this happen.

For example, this is result of the query of host definitions

mysql> SELECT host_id, alias, address, config_type FROM `nagios_hosts`;
| host_id  | alias     |  address       |  config_type  |
|10963     |test03     | |            1  |                                 
|10962     |cent-test  | |            1  |                                 
|10961     |FDCMOCDB01 | |            1  |                                 
|10960     |test03     | |            0  |                                 
|10959     |cent-test  | |            0  |                                 
|10958     |FDCMOCDB01 | |            0  |   
Like this, every host is duplicated except for config_type.

Ndo2db can either get host definition from the original config file (It is usually located in /etc/nagios/objects/hosts.cfg) or retained config file(/var/log/nagios/status.dat)

As default, config_output_options is 3 which means get both data from config file and retained config file.

$ cat /etc/nagios/ndomod.cfg | grep config*
# This option determines what types of configuration data the NDO NEB module will dump from Nagios.
# Values can be OR'ed together.
# Values:
#         0 = Don't dump any configuration information
#         1 = Dump only original config (from config files)
#         2 = Dump config only after retained information has been restored
#         3 = Dump both original and retained configuration
I changed this value to 2, I'd like to get data only from the retained file.
$ cat /etc/nagios/ndomod.cfg
Then, Restarting Services
$ service ndo2db restart
$ service nagios restart

mysql> SELECT host_id, alias, address, config_type FROM `nagios_hosts`;
| host_id  | alias     |  address       |  config_type  |
|10972     |test03     | |            1  |                                 
|10971     |cent-test  | |            1  |                                 
|10970     |FDCMOCDB01 | |            1  |                                 
Next topic, I think it is more important point.
I usually edit config files in the directory "/etc/nagios/objects/" when need to change some properties, active_checks_enabled for instance.
But I managed to know that nagios doesn't pick up some properties from config files. Rather, nagios relies retention files.

It is said that the information from nagios manual

"It is important to point out that several directives in host, service, and contact definitions may not be picked up by Nagios when you change them in your configuration files. Object directives that can exhibit this behavior are marked with an asterisk (*). The reason for this behavior is due to the fact that Nagios chooses to honor values stored in the state retention file over values found in the config files, assuming you have state retention enabled on a program-wide basis and the value of the directive is changed during runtime with an external command."
And these are directives for host definition
active_checks_enabled *: ....
passive_checks_enabled *: ....

The problem is that I cannot edit the retention status file which is read-only file and only editable by nagios. So, how can I do to change unchangeable properties by ending in config file in programming manner not using nagios web.

Naiogs provides cmd.cgi interface and it can run like the below:

$ curl -d "cmd_mod=2&cmd_typ=48&host=FDCMOCDB01" "http://localhost/nagios/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi" -u "nagiosadmin:*******"
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/nagios/images/favicon.ico" type="image/ico">
External Command Interface
<LINK REL='stylesheet' TYPE='text/css' HREF='/nagios/stylesheets/common.css'>
<LINK REL='stylesheet' TYPE='text/css' HREF='/nagios/stylesheets/cmd.css'>
<body CLASS='cmd'>

<!-- Produced by Nagios (http://www.nagios.org).  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Ethan Galstad. -->
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td align=left valign=top width=33%>
<TR><TD CLASS='infoBox'>
<DIV CLASS='infoBoxTitle'>External Command Interface</DIV>
Last Updated: Tue Jul 9 16:04:13 KST 2013<BR>
Nagios® Core™ 3.3.1 - <A HREF='http://www.nagios.org' TARGET='_new' CLASS='homepageURL'>www.nagios.org</A><BR>
Logged in as <i>nagiosadmin</i><BR>
<td align=center valign=top width=33%>
<td align=right valign=bottom width=33%>
<P><DIV CLASS='infoMessage'>Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing.<BR><BR>
Note: It may take a while before the command is actually processed.<BR><BR>
<A HREF='javascript:window.history.go(-2)'>Done</A></DIV></P>
<!-- Produced by Nagios (http://www.nagios.org).  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Ethan Galstad. -->

This is how to run cmd.cgi with curl in the shell environment

$ curl -d cmd_typ=${cmd} \
      -d cmd_mod=2 \
      -d host=${host} \
      -d service=${svc} \
      -d btnSubmit=Commit \
      -s \
      -u 'user:pass \

As parameter "cmd_typ", constant values are defined in the header file "common.h"

If you implement this in java, you are able to execute it by using httpclient class (package org.apache.commons.httpclient) like my case.

1. http://eggsonbread.com/2011/03/18/disable-enable-nagios-notifications-via-command-line-curl/
2. https://github.com/ageric/nagios/blob/cc67733e82721546d9d04180c4441cdb41a6f9a2/include/common.h
3. http://forums.cacti.net/post-133568.html

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