I installed vCenter server and Infrastructure client on Windows machine to centrally manage ESXi host and then I converted a running vm into a template which was for ready deploying new VM.
I used "Deploy virtual machine from template" menu on client. (you can see the menu when click right button of the mouse after select a template.)
This menu has below four sections:
- Name and Location: Name of the VM and location where to deploy.
- Host / Cluster: Host and Cluster which is located at
- Storage: Select provisioning type and repository
- Guest Customization
I'd like to focus on explaining Guest Customization section
Guest Customization
Guest Customization: Computer name
Guest Customization: Time Zone
Guest Customization: Network
Guest Customization: Network -> Custom Setting
Guest Customization: Network -> Custom Setting
Guest Customization: DNS and Domain Setting
Guest Customization: Save spec.
Guest Customization: Save spec.
As a result,
1) I had easier configuration way to deploy Linux VM from template on VMware than Xen. When I had configure network on Xen, It needed more complex steps for network setting.
2) I couldn't find to change property values related to How many CPU and Memory I allocate for the VM. It needs to further test.
3) Network didn't work after finishing deploy of the VM.
I checked configuration file of the network in the VM.
$ vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
check_link_down() {
return 1;
DNS information was added neither in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 or in /etc/resolv.conf
I manually changed ifcfg-eth1 file, looking at the following:
I could able to ping to the outside. I resolved the network problem. But, I wondered what PEERDNS meant in ifcfg-eth1 ( I'd never used this option)
The meaning of PEERDNS (yes and no)
- yes(default): This interface will modify your system's /etc/resolv.conf file entries to use the DNS servers provided by the remote system when a connection is established. That is, If you define the DNS setting in ifcfg-eth*, the system automatically change entries in /etc/resolv.conf whenever connection is established.
- no: Do not modify /etc/resolv.conf.
To make network available with using PEERDNS=no, you should put your DNS addresses in your /etc/resolv.conf
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