XCP is open source version of XenServer which has the same toolstack with XerServer. As a Cronos project, it is able to use XCP on Ubuntu 12.04 called Precise. (For Fedora and Centos users, they should wait until May. XCP team is porting xen on Fedora and CentOS, It will be finished by May)
I prepared the following servers for the test.
- 1 Virtual Machine: Openstack compute, installed Ubuntu.
- 1 Physical Machine : Openstack Controller, Ubuntu 12.04 beta (XCP 1.5 beta)

When creating virtual machine on XCP, it has to create a storage repository first. XCP uses SR (Storage Repository) to store virtual machine images, ISO files and templates. SR supports for IDE, SATA, SCSI and SAS drives locally connected, and iSCSI, NFS, SAS and Fibre Channel remotely connected.
I have known storage repository concept since Oracle VM. I used NFS as a shared resository. NFS also can be used in XCP. However, I only have one physical machine this time. There are two physical hard disks on the server. One is for operating system and the other is for storage of XCP.
Set the environment of XCP
As a result of Cronos project, it is able to install xcp using agt-get command on Ubuntu 12.04.
1) Set up software repositories
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-xen-org/xcp-unstable
2) Workaround xcp-networkd missing file
$ mkdir /etc/xcp
$ echo "bridge" >> /etc/xcp/network.conf
3) Install xapi: This step installs XCP's xapi and all its dependencies, including the Xen hypervisor.
$ apt-get pciutils
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install xcp-xapi
$ apt-get install xcp-xe
4) Workaround VM's not going to power-state: halted after shutdown
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-xen-org/xcp-unstable
2) Workaround xcp-networkd missing file
$ mkdir /etc/xcp
$ echo "bridge" >> /etc/xcp/network.conf
3) Install xapi: This step installs XCP's xapi and all its dependencies, including the Xen hypervisor.
$ apt-get pciutils
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install xcp-xapi
$ apt-get install xcp-xe
4) Workaround VM's not going to power-state: halted after shutdown
$ vi /usr/lib/xcp/scripts/vif
remove) => remove|offline)
if [ "${TYPE}" = "vif" ] ;then
call_hook_script $DOMID "${ACTION}"
# Unclear whether this is necessary, since netback also does it:
logger -t script-vif "${dev}: removing ${HOTPLUG_STATUS}"
xenstore-rm "${HOTPLUG_STATUS}"
if [ "${TYPE}" = "vif" ] ;then
call_hook_script $DOMID "${ACTION}"
# Unclear whether this is necessary, since netback also does it:
logger -t script-vif "${dev}: removing ${HOTPLUG_STATUS}"
xenstore-rm "${HOTPLUG_STATUS}"
5) Workaround XAPI conflicts with XEND
$ sudo sed -i -e 's/xend_start$/#xend_start/' -e 's/xend_stop$/#xend_stop/' /etc/init.d/xend
$ sudo update-rc.d xendomains disable
6) Workaround qemu keymap location preventing vncterm from starting
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/qemu
$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/qemu-linaro/keymaps /usr/share/qemu/keymaps
7) Make xen the default grub entry.
$ sudo sed -i -e 's/xend_start$/#xend_start/' -e 's/xend_stop$/#xend_stop/' /etc/init.d/xend
$ sudo update-rc.d xendomains disable
6) Workaround qemu keymap location preventing vncterm from starting
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/qemu
$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/qemu-linaro/keymaps /usr/share/qemu/keymaps
7) Make xen the default grub entry.
$ sed -i 's/GRUB_DEFAULT=.\+/GRUB_DEFAULT="Xen 4.1-amd64"/' /etc/default/grub
$ update-grub
$ update-grub
Create local storage repository
If you want to create a VM before create a SR, you meet the following error:
Error: No SR specified and Pool default SR is null
So, I make a partition to map storage repository
$ pvcreate /dev/sda3
Physical volume "/dev/sda3" successfully created
$ pvdisplay
----- Physical volmue -------
PV Name /dev/sda2
VG Name VolGroup00
PV Size 11.72 GB / not usable 1.68 MB
Allocatable yes (but full)
PE Size (KByte) 32768
Total PE 375
Free PE 0
Allocated PE 375
PV UUID AN--------------
----- Physical volmue -------
PV Name /dev/sda3
VG Name VolGroup00
PV Size 8.17 GB / not usable 17.80 MB
Allocatable yes (but full)
PE Size (KByte) 32768
Total PE 261
Free PE 261
Allocated PE 0
PV UUID Tj--------------
$ xe sr-create type=lvm content-type=user device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3320620AS_5QF7QZZL name-label=”local storage”
After run this command, an error was occurred.
The SR could not be connected because the driver was not recognised.
driver: lvm
Set EXT if you have an unused block device. I got an idea of how to solve from here.
Tried again after changed type from lvm to ext
$ xe sr-create type=ext content-type=user device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3320620AS_5QF7QZZL name-label=”local storage”
# Create a vm
$ net_uuid=$(xe network-list bridge=xenbr0 --minimal)
$ vm=$(xe vm-install new-name-label="centos-test" template="CentOS 5 (64-bit)" sr-name-label="local stroage")
$ xe vif-create vm-uuid=$vm network-uuid=$net_uuid mac=random device=0
$ xe vm-param-set uuid=$vm other-config:install-repository=http://ftp.daum.net/centos/5/os/x86_64
$ xe vm-param-set uuid=$vm other-config:disable_pv_vnc=1
$ xe vm-start uuid=$vm
# Connecting to xenconsole
$ dom_id=$(xe vm-list uuid=$vm params=dom-id --minimal)
$ /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/xenconsole ${dom_id}
Type ctrl + ] if you want to close xencosole
1. XCP toolstack on a Debian: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/XCP_toolstack_on_a_Debian-based_distribution
2. Hypervisor support matrix: http://wiki.openstack.org/HypervisorSupportMatrix
3. CentOS 6 VM (64 bit) automated installation on XCP: http://grantmcwilliams.com/item/563-centos6-on-xcp
First time wen i starting vm > xe vm-start uuid=$vm
답글삭제I m getting :
Cannot plug VIF
VIF: 904b1ac9-04f5-7455-3ef2-cb95d1ba4a0f
After sometime if i try to start again , i m getting ,
Error code: Traceback (most recent call last):
Error parameters: File "/usr/lib/xcp/lib/pygrub.xcp", line 811, in , fs = fsimage.open(file, part_offs[0], bootfsoptions), IOError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported,
When i'm shutting down a VM I can't start it after that.
답글삭제I always geht
Traceback (most recent call last): - File "/usr/lib/xcp/lib/pygrub.xcp", line 811, in - fs = fsimage.open(file, part_offs[0], bootfsoptions) - IOError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported
Anyone got this error too on Ubuntu 12.04?
Thanks for the comprehensive tutorial, it gave me many insights. I've also used the instructions located at:
(because I'm using Ubuntu Server 12.04, not CentOS)
Everything went fine. The hint to leave a partition was useful. Instead of taking an entire disk, I just spared a partition for later use with Xen (in my case /dev/sda3).
Thanks for comment, Marcond.
답글삭제Hi Yeonki,
답글삭제I am Momo and I am doing my internship. So, my topic is to do an cloud Platform with XCP and Openstack. Your tutorial is very comprehensive and useful but everything don't be clear for me.
In your first Picture, I don't understand why you put XCP in the Host 2 and XEN in the host number 1.
Can you help me please. For information, i only have one physical server to do my test.
Hi, Momo.
답글삭제The number of server was optional. I just wanted to separate controller and compute at that time. You said that you have just one physical machine. So, you can configure the physical machine for compute, and make a virtual machine in the physical machine and then use it for controller.
thanks you very much for your answer Yeonki,
답글삭제but, i have other questions.
So, For the moment, i begin my internship by installing XCP-XAP. I want to create a VM and understand how it's works. But, I can't create a local storage. When i do pvcreate /dev/sda3, i have this result:
Device /dev/sda3 not found (or ignored by filtering).
The result of fdisk -l /dev/sda is:
/dev/sda1 * 2048 471853055 235925504 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 471855102 488396799 8270849 5 Étendue
/dev/sda5 471855104 488396799 8270848 82 partition d'échange Linux / Solaris
So, i don't understand why???
Thank you
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답글삭제Hi, Momo
답글삭제Sorry to reply late.
Do you still have this problem?
답글삭제I thank you to answer to my request.
Yes. In fact, I understood that I must create a partition with free space name /dev/sda3.
But, the result of fdisk -l /dev/sda is:
The result of fdisk -l /dev/sda is:
/dev/sda1 * 2048 499711 248832 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 501758 488396799 243947521 5 extended
/dev/sda5 501760 488396799 243947520 8e Linux LVM
I don't know how i can create /dev/sda3 ??
Thank you
Hi, Momo.
답글삭제Although I gave an example of creating partition /dev/sda3/, you only need a unused block device for making local storage (Any device name is okay). So, you don't have to have partition named /dev/sda3/. It is able to changeable based on your environment.
Could you visit to this site: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Using_XCP_-_preparing_the_toolstack. I was given the answer when I was having the problem related to local storage.
답글삭제It's work, thank you.
I just have a last problem. When I start my VM (xe vm-start uuid=5b50*********), it's running during 2mn, after it turns off (power-state (R0): halted)?? I don't understand why. I googled, but nothing.
Hi Yeonki,
답글삭제I managed to understand XCP. Thank you for all. Your tutorial was very useful for me.
So, I only have one physical server. I install on this Server XCP (DOM0) and I create 3 VM. In the first VM, I installed Ubuntu 12.10 and I download devstack:
git clone git://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git
After that, I started the install with this command:
cd devstack; ./stack.sh
So, I can use the dashboard (horizon) with the IP adress of my VM.
But, I have a problem. Indeed, I can't create a new instance. I do "launch instance", with the image "cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec". When I click "launch", and I see this new instance with:
Status: "Build"
Task: "Scheduling"
Power state: "No state"
And, it's never change, So I don't know why ???
Can I control the other VM that I create with XCP command. How ??
I also install Openstack in other VM. I want to know, if I can also control VMs with openstack. How??
I googled, but I don't found response.
Thank you.
The reason LVM as a SR type isn't working under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS can be found here: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/xen/api/215973 You can check here for a solution: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/60227/xen-storage-repository-has-option-type-lvm-missing-xcp/62406#62406
답글삭제It's a matter of putting the right 'drivers' there for xcp-xapi
Thanks for the information.
답글삭제I'll check this.
Hi Yeonki
답글삭제Am new to openstack, need to install openstack in centos and add Xen as host. I have a CentOS VM and Xen Server separately. Can you please point me to tutorial for step by step installation and configuration.
Hi, SriHarish
답글삭제I'd like to highly recommend that you should deploy Openstack on Ubuntu + KVM combination if you're new to it. Because there are useful references of over the internet for Ubuntu + KVM.
Is there any possible for you to change the current environment?
블로그 관리자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.
답글삭제Great post thanks for sharing this.I was looking this kind of info.
답글삭제Openstack Training