2010년 11월 20일 토요일


1. What is CPU Type in SCVMM ?
The administator can select CPU type of VM in SCVMM 2008 R2.
You can see the below picture from HW profile in Library menu.

Maybe some people are confusing that enable to change the speed of virtual processor for VM.

However, it is NOT related to VM's virtual processor. This is just to used for VMM to make placement plan for VM to be deployed. If you change the CPU type, you’ll see that placement will be modeled based on the load on that CPU Type. As you increase the speed of the processor, the host rating will go down.

When a VM deploys, VMM is calculating which one is the right the most among managed hosts. this is called  Host Rating.
Host rating has four kind of options:
  • CPU utilization (default 20%)
  • Available Memory (default 2GB)
  • Disk I/O (Input&Output / sec)
  • Network Utilization (MB / sec)

The Adminstrator can give different weight from "Placement Otion" and value from "VM load" on each four part.
You can read the original article about CPU type in VMM from here.

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